Get individualized support.
Have questions regarding speech/language development? Book a 30 minute Q & A to review milestones and have all of your questions answered for peace of mind.
Need more time and support'? If your little one is displaying inconsistencies or delays in speech, language, or pragmatic communication development, no worries! Schedule a 1:1 virtual consultation. Kelli will meet 1:1 with you, your child, and your family to learn about your concerns and discuss any areas of delay. During your meeting, you will be provided with individualized feedback and specific strategies to strengthen skills, from the comfort of your own home. You will receive a written summary with all of the discussed resources and recommendations tailored to your child’s individualized needs. No long-term commitment needed! Meet once, twice, or every few weeks to discuss progress and review goals.
Maximize Your Time.
Don’t wait and risk losing valuable time during the critical language development period. Reach out to receive support and guidance as soon as you notice any inconsistencies, delays, and/or regression in speech/language skills. For a one-time fee, less than the cost of two therapy sessions, your 1:1 consultation meeting will equip you with the resources and strategies needed to significantly impact your child’s speech and language development.